150 Mummies of Ancient Unknown Civilization Discovered in Atacama Desert: Are These Remains Traces Of The Nephilim

Posted: July 6, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Peruvian mummies 6

SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS LINKS AND VIDEOS: A team of archaeologists from universities in Poland, Peru and Colombia have discovered 150 mummies in the Atacama Desert belonging to an unknown culture that predate the Tiwanaku and Inca civilization by almost 500 years. One of the mummies that were discovered had an elongated skull. So who or what was this unknown civilization. Peru is rich with odd discoveries of an ancient race that has since been wiped out. Watch this video of other shocking discoveries of mummified mummies from an unknown race.


Not long ago the discovery of a mummy skeleton found in Peru was the remains of what looked like a giant toddler.



This wasn’t the only odd humanoid found there. All of South America speaks of a time when an unknown race existed there. The Atacama Humanoid could be an example of a long lost forgotten race. This was an amazing discovery as the mainstream media picked it up and scientist speculated the tiny little humanoid was extraterrestrial alien.



Could this race have been what the Bible calls the Nephilim? Genesis 6:4 – There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown. Everything we know about human history is been kept hidden from us. It affects our life and the worldview that we live in. It affects everything that we are thought to believe about the human race. There is an agenda to hide this past and the only way to discover it is if you seek the truth.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: A team of archaeologists from universities in Poland, Peru and Colombia have discovered 150 mummies in the Atacama Desert belonging to an unknown culture that predate the Tiwanaku and Inca civilization by almost 500 years.
The bodies were mummified naturally by being buried directly in the sand with no stone structures, wrapped in cotton veils, reed mats or fishing nets, and radiocarbon dating shows that the oldest mummies came from 4th century AD, while the youngest mummies came from 7th century AD READ MORE: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/peru-150-mummies-ancient-unknown-civilisation-discovered-atacama-desert-photos-1455244

  1. Harley says:

    It’s pretty suspicious that the evidance of the Nephilim keeps disappearing. “They” evidentally don’t want us to know the whole truth. Probably because it would go against their NWO propoganda agenda of what these things really are when the anti christ makes his move.

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