Russian Stocks Crash As Central Bank Scrambles, War In Ukraine & A Global Financial Meltdown, and Obamas Planed Economic War on Russia: Is Ukraine Crisis The March 4, 2014 Trigger Event

Posted: March 3, 2014 in Uncategorized
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SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS LINKS AND VIDEO: Will the Ukraine crisis be the March 4, 2014 trigger event that causes the US and Global economy to Collapse? Read this before you proceed . The Dow opened low today as investors freaked out about the Russians presence in Crimea and its declaration of war on Ukraine. President Obama seeks to declare an Economic war on Russia and you can see the outcome of it as Russian Stocks took a tumble. In the process the US Stock market took a hit. The world is now standing on the brink of a precipice. The next few days will be telling as world events play out. What will the outcomes of these events have on the world? Will we see war and a global collapse of the financial markets or will someone blink and back away before all of these things get out of control. Check back for more updates. Thank you for visiting THESE CHRISTIAN TIMES.


KING WORLD NEWS: As the world waits to see if war breaks out in Ukraine, today a 40-year market veteran sent King World News a powerful piece which states that war in Ukraine may overwhelm the Fed and implode the entire global financial system.  Robert Fitzwilson, founder of The Portola Group, put together the following tremendous piece below exclusively for King World News.

By Robert Fitzwilson of The Portola Group

March 2 (King World News) – War In Ukraine & A Global Financial System Meltdown

February concluded with the precious metals mining companies index, the HUI, retaining the lead for both the month and year to date.  The major U.S. equity indexes were a close second for the month, but lag far behind the HUI for the full year.  Moving up toward the head of the pack was a new contender, commodities. The Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB Commodity Index, a proxy for the sector, advanced about 7% for the month….READ MORE:


ZEROHEDGE: Following a 150bps rate hike by the central bank – the largest since the 1998 default -desperate to halt capital outflows and a collapsing currency, Russian stocks have crashed 11% led by some of the country’s largest banks. USDRUB rose to just shy of 37 – the weakest RUB rate on record – but rallied back a little on the rate hike but the MICEX stock index tumbled 11% to almost 2-year lows with Sberbank (Russia’s largest bank) down 17% and VTB (2nd largest bank) down 20%. Between the threat of economic sanctions from the West and simple risk-aversion-based capital flight, as one analyst noted, “uncertainty risks a further escalation in domestic capital outflow READ MORE:

THE DAILY BEAST: UPDATE: The Associated Press reported Monday that Russia is already suffering some economic consequences of its aggression in Ukraine. The Russian stock market is down 12 percent, the ruble is falling, and the Russian central bank has hiked interest rates in an attempt to shore up the value of its currency.

Behind the scenes, Obama administration officials are preparing a series of possible battle plans for a potential economic assault on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, an administration source close to the issue told The Daily Beast. Among the possible targets for these financial attacks: everyone from high-ranking Russian military officials to government leaders to top businessmen to Russian

speaking separatists in Ukraine. It’s all part of the work to prepare an executive order now under consideration at the Obama administration’s highest levels READ MORE:


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