Posts Tagged ‘Ebola News’

Looks like the American public is being played and deceived by our own government. The only question that remains is Why? Why are they doing this? Why is Nurse Kai Hickox personal information being scrubbed out from the internet? What is her role in this whole Ebola crisis? Are they trying to divert attention away from  a bigger crisis we are not aware of? Why is a CDC-trained intelligence officer screaming so loudly about putting herself into a home quarantine for 21 days to reduce the risk of transmitting Ebola to other Americans. Read this article because you want see the CDC, U.S. Government, and Nurse Kaci Hickox in the same light. Its all a big lie, but why? Please note that I believe there is an Ebola crisis coming I just don’t understand what this deception concerning Kaci Hickox is all about. Can someone please explain to me; when did this administration start caring about the individual rights of the American public. When did the Liberal media start caring about human rights and the rule of the law in America. I bet the Liberal media wont even mention that Kaci was an intelligence officer for the CDC. They refuse to see the laws being broken by the Obama administration, but a nurse gets quarantined concerning the health and well being of the American public and they are concerned about her civil rights. Are you serious? Something doesn’t smell right and I ask you to please question everything about the  Nurse Kaci Hickox saga. 
White House slams New Jersey quarantine of nurse Kaci Hickox. Really you are concern about her Civil Rights. Maybe you should get rid of  the NSA and talk to us about our rights after doing that!

NATURAL NEWS: Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made headlines over the last few days by refusing to quarantine herself after returning from the Ebola front lines in Africa, turns out to have been trained as an “intelligence officer” under a two-year CDC program modeled after the U.S. military.

As you can see from the document below, Hickox graduated from a two-year CDC intelligence officer training program in 2012. This is the same nurse whose LinkedIn page was recently scrubbed to hide her ties to the CDC, an agency that stands to benefit tremendously in both political power and budgets if an Ebola outbreak sweeps across America.

The official intelligence designation granted to Nurse Hickox by the CDC was “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer,” and she is a graduate of the 2012 EIS program according to this CDC document (PDF). (See page 138 – 139 for her name and photo, or view photo below.) READ MORE:

This was Originally posted on  Dont forget to visit my new website and see what other interesting news articles I have put up. Read Opinions from myself and other Bloggers on Current events and Faith. God Bless you. 


The Ebola virus is mutating and the frightening aspect of it all is that it could be airborne. NPR writes: For starters, the data show that the virus is rapidly accumulating new mutations as it spreads through people. “We’ve found over 250 mutations that are changing in real time as we’re watching,” Pardis Sabeti says. While moving through the human population in West Africa, she says, the virus has been collecting mutations about twice as quickly as it did while circulating among animals in the past decade or so. “The more time you give a virus to mutate and the more human-to-human transmission you see,” she says, “the more opportunities you give it to fall upon some [mutation] that could make it more easily transmissible or more pathogenic.” A scientist tests a patient’s blood for Ebola at the European Mobile Laboratory in Gueckedou, Guinea. The first cases reported in the outbreak occurred in a small village about eight miles outside Gueckedou. Sabeti says she doesn’t know if that’s happening yet. But the rapid change in the virus’ genome could weaken the tools researchers have to detect Ebola or, potentially, to treat patients.

In what sounds like something out of a horror story, dogs are beginning to eat those that have died of the Ebola Virus. Dead bodies that are laid out on the street were buried and dogs began to pull them out of the grave and eating them. The New Dawn reports: remains of dead Ebola victims were reportedly seen, eaten by dogs, something reminiscent of the brutal civil war here, when dogs ate dead bodies on the streets. The Liberian Government, through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, buried some unaccounted-for corpses, suspected to have died from the Ebola Virus in that township few weeks ago. The burial was done in a hurry at night following a standoff in the day between residence and the Ministry of Health burial team. The former had refused to grant the authority a piece of land to carry out the burial. The dogs, in their numbers, were seen pulling the bodies out of the shadowed grave and hastily eating them. What makes this potentially frightening is that the Dogs can act as a transmitter of Ebola, but canines do not develop symptoms from the virus. A medical doctor told News24, “this means that dogs won’t get sick but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting.”


There seems to be and unprecedented number of medical staff infected with the Ebola Virus. WHO Reports: The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa is unprecedented in many ways, including the high proportion of doctors, nurses, and other health care workers who have been infected. To date, more than 240 health care workers have developed the disease in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and more than 120 have died.


This in effect has made WHO turn to the experimental drugs like the ones that saved the two Americans that were flown from Africa for treatment and saved from the virus. WND writes: The World Health Organization will host a closed-door conference in Geneva with some 100 health-care experts from around the world to explore the alternative medical treatments and experimental drugs available to combat Ebola. WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib in Geneva explained to WND in an exclusive telephone interview that while journalists will be excluded from the meeting, the WHO will conduct a media advisory at the conclusion to allow journalists to ask questions.

A pandemic war has started. It is raging out of control and is ready to enflame the whole world with a virus so frightening it reads out of a horror novel. Dead bodies on the street are being eaten by dogs and now a new threat has open up on the war of this potentially global virus as NPR reports that Ebola is mutating. Will it soon become a Global Pandemic? That is the frightening question that whole world hopes won’t happen.

Did you know that in the 2014 Copenhagen Bilderberg group meeting, Biochemist, Doctor’s, and Pharmaceutical Heads were attendees of this secretive meeting? Oddly enough there was one man that went to this secret meeting that is connected in some weird way to the Ebola outbreak here in America. Here is a list of the players that could be connected to the Ebola virus in some way.
CAN Munroe-Blum, Heather Professor of Medicine and Principal (President) Emerita, McGill University- Disease Epidemiologist
DNK Rasmussen, Jørgen Huno Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Lundbeck Foundation-Pharmaceutical Connected
DNK Olesen, Søren-Peter Professor; Member of the Board of Directors, The Carlsberg Foundation-Bio-medical Professor
NLD Schippers, Edith Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports
PRT Macedo, Paulo Minister of Health
And finally USA Kasim, Reed the Mayor of Atlanta who oversaw the two American missionaries that were brought back from Africa and cured with a miracle vaccine.

Is the world being duped into believing that the Ebola Virus that started in West Africa could have been started by the Bilderberg Group? There are signs that could be pointing to this elitists group having their hand being caught in the cookie jar. Why did the CDC patent the Ebola Virus? Why do they admit that they created it? How are the Bilderberg involved in the whole mess? Imagine for a minute the money involved in making a vaccine that everybody on the planet would want. This is all about the money and they don’t care who gets killed along the way. A bloody trail of dead Ebola victims are leading a trail to a secretive group and their agenda is nothing short of EVIL.

Can anything be done to stop the spread of Ebola? Now health workers are in a rush to trace 1500 possible victims. There are fears that it could spread to the west and the bombshell that 1500 people with the virus are being sought after makes this a very dangerous turning point in this outbreak.


TELEGRAPH.CO.UK: Hundreds of West Africans could be carrying the deadly Ebola virus and not know it, potentially infecting hundreds more, as cash-strapped governments and overwhelmed aid agencies struggle to contain the virus’s spread.
At least 1,500 people have not yet been traced who are known to have come into contact with others confirmed or suspected to be infected with the haemorrhagic fever, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) told The Telegraph.
Many more could be moving freely in the three countries battling the virus, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, but fear of the illness and mistrust of Western medicine means they refuse to come forward to speak to doctors.
The current outbreak is the worst ever. So far 467 people have died and health staff have identified at least 292 other suspected or confirmed cases READ MORE: